Sunday, September 28, 2008

a rant...and i'ma tie it all together before the end...

So I swear to goodness that I watch CNN, MSNBC, and check tha news on the net like it is my job. I feel like I am gathering research or something. But honestly, election season is very important to me. This is the third presidential election that I have been able to vote in, and I take this mess quite seriously. I take it seriously becuz I am a taxpayer, and these fools are handling my money like fcuking monopoly money.

Anyways, I was upset when Bush got elected the first time. I was living in Ohio, which is a swing state, and I couldn't believe this babbling fool won the election. Just imagine my feelings when he "won" the election the second time...I was utterly distraught. Like I was even more distraught than if Ohio State lost three national championships in a row. (That has NO bearing on my money.) But really, this fool did such a terrible job as president the first time around, that someone, and quite a few people at that, gave him the opportunity to fcuk stuff up a second time around. (Hind sight is 20-20, huh...) I hate u bitches that voted for him twice. (I hope you are happy about the state of this economy now.)

NEways...this pass week I was in training in a hotel. Each night, since I didn't have instant access to the Internet, I was running to my room to watch the status of this "Bailout" that our genius of a president came up with. I am on the fence about this...and for anyone who knows me knows that I am EXTREMELY it is quite weird for me to be on the fence about anything. I am conflicted becuz I do not want the American economy to completely crash. I want to be able to keep up the lifestyle that I am accustomed to. I am not living extravagantly, but comfortably. What I take exception to is people that have been living outside of their means that I am having to help rescue. I am also PISSED at CEOs and CFOs and COOs fcuking up companies, running them completely into the ground, then getting a fcuking severance package. How does any of this happen in real life?

So you are telling me that if I were to be dumb enuf to take out a loan that I couldn't handle, becuz I didn't read the conditions, becuz someone told me that I could afford it, then for some "strange" reason I can't make the payments, becuz I was always living beyond my means, that the gub-ment is gonna c
ome in and fix all the sh1t I put myself into??!! Probably not....u know why? I do not take on more than I can handle. I realize that I have an accounting degree, but really, does it take an accounting degree to figure out that if u making fcuking $35,000 a year, u should not buy a house that cost $350,000. That is just dumb. Now we have all these foreclosures. People are just leaving their houses and neighborhoods, property taxes are down, the economy of towns is going down, down, down, and some cities are even going bankrupt....and all this mess started with dumb ass people biting off more than they can chew.

Now to the CEOs, CFOs, and COOs that are fcuking stuff up. Now I am a regular girl, working a regular I can only talk for myself. But usually I get a 90 day or a semi-annually review where my manager tells me how my job performance stands versus my actual goals. I know that if I do terrible at my job, come review time, or even before, I may not have my job too long. This doesn't seem to be the same for these top execs at these toxic companies. These men are doing so terribly that they get fired or are forced to resign, but they are taking millions of dollars in severance pay. The employees that were working under them are losing their retirements and pension funds for alla their hard work, but these execs are getting paid out millions....I just don't get it. Let me just get two-weeks worth of regular pay if I get fired. ***Disclaimer*** I have never been fired for job performance...this is just an example.

So becuz of silly people who have never done a monthly budget for themselves to see how much they can actually handle, and retarded top-managers of big time companies, America is in a recession so bad that other countries are scratching their heads at us. (Didn't we use to be a damn supa power?) Now regular, responsible people who are handling their bizness and paying their taxes and bills on time are being penalized. And I still haven't figured out how this money is being spent. (If u r gonna F me least take me to dinner or sumthin...just kidding:) Naw, but if taxpayers have to rescue Wall Street and homeowners, who by my account shouldn't own a home, I should know how the money is being spent!

I am real passionate about this. I am also very passionate about the election. If you are not concerned about your money or lack thereof, then don't worry about all this silly news stuff. *sarcastic tone* But if you are concerned that gas is above $4 or that apples cost $2 a pound (I actually saw that today), and that milk is about $4 a gallon, then you better worry about your vote and who cares to make a difference. Neither candidate will be able to fix this mess immediately. It just can't happen. Bush F'd stuff up so thoroughly. But let's just all close our eyes and imagine Sarah Palin running our country if McCain died...terrible thought huh? So let's at least vote for someone that has the biggest chance of out-living his presidency...Obama 08!

I think that I tied my rant together, I think... lemme know if I forgot sumthing:)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Erry-thing is cool

I have figured it out...the secret to getting ova some shit. Just get ova it. Profound, I know. Easy...not so much. Do-able...very.

I be forgetting sometimes that I am a damn catch. Usually I got enuf self confidence for me and like 2 otha women...but I forgot that for a minute. Well I got my swagga back. Folks betta be ready:) Naw, just kidding...I use my powers for good, not evil.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A lil bit of time can make things better...

ok, so a coupla of weeks ago, i was a mess. all crying and stuff over me and my guy breaking up. okey dokey, well i am a lil bit better now. i am not crying at least, that is a good start. i am trying like hell to move on. i started a new position at my job. i am still working out. i am in school. so i am working on me. i just gotta work on the whole social thing. i can't stay in the house like i been doing.

i don't wanna jump into something serious. i just need to be around people. i just gotta figure out where to go now that i am not crying. if i would have gone out a couple of weeks ago, i would have scared people. now i am approachable again.

Friday, September 5, 2008

breaking up sux

my breathing has not been the same since me and my guy broke up. i have to make an extra effort to breathe right. i miss him. i feel like part of me is gone.

it is bad during quiet times, during those times when i am alone. but at the same time i don't want to be around other people. i just want to be with him. so i end up being home, by myself.

i really gotta get out of this funk. i am sad, but the rational side of me knows that it is not the end of the world. but the rational side is being over-rule by the emotional side. i think that me and him can work it out...i just think it will take some time. dang, i miss him.