Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sometimes u gotta wear ur sunshine shield.

Earlier this year I made a resolution be postive. I would not allow folk’s negativity into my life, I would tune these folks out. But one of my co-workers is determined to give me a hard time on this. He wants to throw cloud bombs on my sunshine. For this reason, I come armed with my sunshine shield. It blocks all cloud bombs no matter how powerful.
My job is fairly straight forward. You make phone calls, you recruit people to the school, and you close files. That is it in a nut shell. We have deadlines and we have goals. Everything is in black and white, none of us should be confused. There will always be things that happen that is out of our control. A student changes their mind, the student is denied financial aid, the student fails the tests, whatever. But your goals are still clear, you gotta replace them, not complain about them.
My co-worker is determined to keep complaining. Both he and I didn’t hit our last target. The shit is like that sometimes. But what do I do? I try to make up for it this session. What does he do? Complain about every reason why he didn’t hit target. (Trust me, no one cares. We are sales people, it is all about the numbers.) He says the students suck, our manager is terrible, our compensation plan sucks, this is a terrible job. And I say, recruit more students, we really don’t need our manager to do our job, hit your target and you’ll get paid more, and this is an easy job (comparatively speaking.) Man this dude was determined to make me feel as miserable as he was feeling yesterday and I wasn’t feeling it.
No matter what job you do, you are accountable for some goals. You don’t hit your goals, there are consequences. Deal with it and quit complaining. This guy yesterday said something profound and I’m going to hold on to it. He said "bring your own weather." By this he means if you decide that you want to be sunshiny, be that no matter anyone else’s weather patterns. Do not let someone’s cloudiness, storms, or gloom affect your weather. Put on your sunshine shield and keep shining.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Do your actions reflect self love?

Outside of your love for the Creator, you should love yourself in the highest regard. You may think that you love yourself, but do your actions reflect self love? Are you nourishing your body with healthy food, not crap, drugs, and alcohol? Are you feeding your mind constantly? Are you surrounding yourself with positive people? Are your thoughts pure? Is your language a good reflection of you? Are you a role model? If you answered "no" to any of these questions, maybe you should re-evaluate your love for yourself. Because honestly, until you truly love yourself, can you really love someone else?
If you love yourself, how can you put harmful things in your body? If you know that fat-laden food is gonna make you sluggish and fat and un-healthy, why eat it? If you know that drugs and excessive drinking tears up your mind, judgement, and internal organs, why keep doing it? I think that people that cannot sacrifice in the short-term for the good of their well-being long-term must not really love themselves. Otherwise why would anyone willingly jack up their own body?
Surround yourself with positive folks. If you write down everyone you hang around or who you consider your friends, chances are you embody the majority of their traits. My friends, I am proud to say are some educated girls, who are all independent and getting their grind on. So evaluate your list. If your list consist of people that dropped out of school, think partying is a way of life, still live with their parents, can't hold a job, what does that really say about you? If you are a winner, why hang with losers? They will only bring your stock down and likewise bring you down. Get some smart friends!
Self-improvement leads to a healthy mind, body, and soul. You shouldn't live in a bubble. Read a book sometimes. Finish school. Listen to someone who knows something about something. You'd be surprised about what you learn just listening and reading.
Something that we can all do better is speak positive thoughts into the world. Saying "hello" is the easiest way to brighten someone else's day. It will even make you feel good. Good actions are a direct reflection of good thoughts and intentions. So do good things and naturally you will become better.
I realize this is kinda preachy. But sometimes I see things that really show a negative self worth and it reflects in people's actions. The world would be a better place if the hating stopped. Change the world. Love yourself.