Monday, May 26, 2008

What I want...

I want to soak up the sun because it gives life.

I want to play hooky from work on a work day and act like I have no worries.

I want to put on a flowy dress and twirl like a ballerina just because I'm a girl.

I want watch cartoons all day in my PJ's eating junk food on a Saturday.

I want to stay in a hotel downtown and act like a tourist on vacation.

I want to loved and be loved like in the fairy tales.

I want to keep my friends and family close to my heart because, otherwise what is the point?

I want to have absolutely no regrets when it comes to the life I lead.

What do you want? What steps are you taking to get there?

Monday, May 19, 2008

So I am technically obese. Dammit!

I stay in the gym. This is something that has been a part of my life for the last few years. It makes me feel good and I feel healthier. Here lately I have also been changing my eating habits because just working out wasn't working. I wasn't seeing any visble results. And I do consider myself pretty healthy. I can run 4 miles in an hour. I lift weights. I workout 4-5 days a week. So imagine my surprise when I saw the numbers that told me that I was still obese. (Dammit!)

So I normally wouldn't release these numbers, but it is for the greater good. I am 5 feet and 3/4 of an inch tall and I weigh 170 lbs. According to the BMI calculator and this stupid little machine, my BMI is 32.4, which technically makes me obese. (Not very good news.) Actually, it kinda sucks. I was doing the calculations, I would have to get down to 155 lbs just to be considered only overweight. I haven't seen 155 lbs since high school, so I am not sure if that number can be hit again. Now I say all this to say, do you know your number? Even if that stupid little machine or calculator isn't looking at my body type, or the fact that Black men love my butt and thighs, or that both sides of my family has weight issues, I know that I can stand to lose a few pounds.

Most people are scared to get bad news. They would rather stay in the dark about what their health is. Why do you think that so many people avoid the doctor and the dentist? Because they just don't wanna know. Once you hear the news, it becomes real, then you have to make a decision. Do you continue on the path of unhealthiness, or do you change course? It is just easier to stay in the dark, right?

In Florida, one school district started sending out letters to parents telling them if their kids were at an unhealthy weight. I'm sure that you can guess the reaction. These parents were pissed. Pissed 'cause, according to one parent, they don't want people saying negative things about their kids. I do not think that that is the real reason. I think that the report is a reflection of the parents. (Just an opinion.) But who is really responsible for what kids eat? Who instills health and healthy behavior into kids? Shouldn't that start at home? Then one of the parents blamed the school for lack of gym and food selection at school. Ok that is probably a part of the situation. But really who has the most control, the school or the parents? Or better yet, who has the most responsibility, the school or the parents?

If folks don't wanna know their own numbers, fine. Trust me, it sux to find out that you are obese. But finding out that you kids are obese and doing nothing but blaming the school is tantamount to child abuse. You wouldn't deny your kids medicine if you knew that that would help any other condition. So why is this any different?
So after my little soapbox sermon, the bottom line is know your number and know your kid's number. Maybe these numbers will shock us into some action!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Need a boost in productivity, increase ur caffeine.

So I had an epiphany after my workout today. I was sitting in Barnes and Nobles, reading a magazine and enjoying a steaming cup of fresh brewed coffee, when I decided that I needed to go home and be super duper productive. I finished reading the magazine and jumped in my car with a sense of purpose.

I came home and cleaned the kitchen, took out the trash, swept the floors, cleaned my bathroom, put up clothes, cooked enough spaghetti for a week, and prepared myself for tomorrow. I did all of this while watching the basketball game. I think I did more in three hours than some folks do in a week.

I think that my productivity was really due to that cup of coffee. So if you too want to be productive, add a jolt to your body. Stimulation is great!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Value Proposition of a Successful Partner

Today's consumers are a lot more selective. I believe this holds true for our relationships also. We need, want, and expect more out of our relationships. And I think that as education levels increase, so does our self-awareness and expectations.
When I first meet someone, I immediately notice the packaging. That is my superficial side. That is the side of me like likes the shiny materials. That excitement lasts as long as a kid's attention span for a new toy. After the initial attraction there has to be something else that keeps my attention. That is where the total value proposition of a partner comes in. The total value is the sum of their character, compatibility, friendship, relationships with other, values, and their experiences. All of these things must mesh with your value system. It would be very hard to compromise on the major things in life. Your value compatibilty will play a major factor in the success or failure of your relationship.
If you go into business for yourself, you have to do everything. You run the business, hire employees, and handle the books. You also assume all of the risks and reap all of the rewards. When you bring a partner into the business, you should be easing the load on yourself. You have someone that helps run the business, that assumes some of the risks, and shares in the profits. When you are single, you are running your own business. You handle all of your bills. You keep yourself entertained. You live only for yourself, good or bad. When you bring a significant other into your life, that person is supposed to help ease the load a little. That person shares in the hard times and the good times. Hopefully the synergy of the relationship should also be more then the sum of the wholes.
Anyways, I guess I am still single because I haven't found a quality partnership. I get sucked into the pretty packaging to find that the person is lacking substance. As a discerning customer, it would be silly to not test out the marketplace. There are so many options out there. And hopefully that perfect partnership will present itself when the time is right.